Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Don't Get Drunk On Wine

A drunk man doesn't get that way by just talking about alcohol, or looking at advertise-ments for liquor. No, he gets drunk by drinking! And the more he drinks the more the alcohol controls him. We say he's "under the influence." Another power takes over which transforms him into someone he was not before. One minute he's nice and quiet, the next he's loud and boisterous. He may even think he's Pavarotti and start to sing. When a police officer stops him and tells him to walk a straight line he can't do it. Why? Because something else is running the show.

And what alcohol is to your body negatively, the Holy Spirit is to your new nature positively. When you're under His control, He makes you walk in ways you wouldn't normally walk, and talk in ways you wouldn't normally talk. That's why, rather than spending our time and energy trying to change, we need to concentrate on being - and staying - filled with God's Spirit. A sober man doesn't have to try and stagger, all he has to do is get drunk; the alcohol will take care of the staggering.

Now you see why Paul drew the analogy between someone who's drunk and someone under the Spirit's control. But a word of caution: those under the influence of the Holy Spirit will not be offensive or rude, self-serving or "show-boating" in an attempt to impress others. No, the Holy Spirit is a gentleman. The power He provides is controlled and channeled towards a life that's not possible by any other means. And that power is available to you today.

"Do not get drunk on wine... instead be filled with the Spirit." - Ephesians 5:18 (NIV)